"Son of Rambow", Hammer & Tong's second movie after "Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" is now in theaters in british cinemas since the 4th April.
Of course there are references to Hitchhiker's including this surprising statement from Garth :
"- Did the success of your previous film, Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, afford you better financial clout for this one? - Garth I thought it would have. I mean, it went to number one and I thought, great. If anything it made it harder though, it took over a year of going to see everyone in the UK and getting turned down repeatedly, it was almost impossible to get people to stop thinking about the sci-fi film and buy into this. That’s why the money came from France in the end." http://www.screenjabber.com/sonoframbow_feature
83% at the tomatometter
8,1/10 sur imdb http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0845046/
A potentially disposable, tongue-in-cheek First Blood pisstake turns out to be a deeply effective, surprisingly touching tale of family and childhood friendship. If you only see one Rambo movie this year, make sure it’s this one.
Four stars out of five
You can also watch video interviews with Garth Jennings and Jessica Hynes on http://www.empireonline.com/interviews/
"Son Of Rambow is so loveable it could give heart-warming movies a good name... Son Of Rambow is delightful, nostalgic, but never schlocky - if you only watch one Stallone-related film this year, make it this one. Unlike John Rambo's misfiring latest, Son Of Rambow hits the bullseye."
Four stars out of five. http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/s/Son-Of-Rambow/review-3812516.html
"A joyous spirit of mischief is ever-present and Jennings has an eye for brilliant visual gags too... Crucially, their rapport feels totally authentic, so beyond the belly laughs and sunny 80s nostalgia, this is a portrait of friendship which is truly tender and moving."
Four stars out of five.
Video http://www.bbc.co.uk/films/bbci/new_bbci/?video5
"YOU’VE got to hand it to Garth Jennings for persevering with Son Of Rambow, a deeply personal labour-of-love that emerges as one of the feel-good British treats of the year." http://www.indielondon.co.uk/Film-Review/son-of-rambow-review
Interviews : http://www.indielondon.co.uk/Film-Review/son-of-rambow-garth-jennings-interview
Video Interview with Garth Jennings and Jessica Hynes (you can see some Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy toys behind Garth when he's talking) http://www.kewego.co.uk/video/iLyROoafYJvn.html
"Garth Jennings’s last film, ‘The Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’, had visual imagination to burn, but was less sure-footed when it came to plot and character. It’s a pleasure, then, to find that his follow-up shows just as much wit and verve in its production design, while also succeeding as storytelling: ‘Son of Rambow’ is a schoolboy yarn with a bracing emotional honesty that packs a real kick."
Four stars out of six http://www.timeout.com/film/reviews/84083/Son_of_Rambow.html
Garth Jennings interview http://www.timeout.com/film/features/show-feature/1642/
"The script sizzles with humour, but more importantly, like Danny Boyle's Millions, it carries an emotional weight. Keeping the cast small means the characters of Will and Lee are well fleshed out and, though firmly rooted in British culture, their experiences are universal. Sure to be a box office smash."
Five out of five http://www.eyeforfilm.co.uk/reviews.php?film_id=12122
Interview http://www.eyeforfilm.co.uk/feature.php?id=510
Interview http://twitchfilm.net/site/view/garth-jennings-talks-son-of-rambow/